
Activity Calendar

Activity Calendar

A Lifestyle of Possibilities

We aim to always create an enriching environment where residents can explore passions, try new activities, and stay engaged in ways that support their well-being.

From group outings and creative workshops to casual social gatherings, there’s always something to look forward to!

Want to learn more? Schedule a visit or check out our activity calendar to see how belonging, purpose, and joy are brought to life at The Ashford of Beavercreek.

Compassionate Care for Everyone

Experience comfort, connection, and enrichment.

Independent Living

Independent living offers a personalized blend of independence, community, and convenience.

Assisted Living

Assisted living provides support for activities of daily living while prioritizing independence and comfort.

Memory Care

Memory care is a specialized program to help maintain and improve the quality of life of those with cognitive impairments.

Senior Winning

Join an Enriching Community
Built on Compassion

Reach Out to Us

Visit our vibrant community in Beavercreek, just off Grange Hall Road.


  • 3865 Park Overlook Dr.
  • Beavercreek, Ohio 45431

Contact Information

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